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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Lazuardiku Tak Biru Lagi Chapter 1

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Lazuardiku Tak Biru Lagi
Oleh Eshu Humaira


Kemarin kulihat dia berduaan Ra sama Astrid, mejeng di koridor sekolah pas jam pulang, huh.. udah kaya sepasang burung lagi bertengger. Sebel banget ngeliatnya, tepatnya sih ada rasa sakit di dada..
Karena ga tahan ngeliat yang kaya gituan, aku langsung memalingkan muka dan bergegas ke musholla karena aku balik lagi ke sekolah emang mau ngambil buku yang ketinggalan di sekret. Sambil nunduk tuh aku, pura-pura ga liat. Abis gimana mau negor dia sambil teriak-teriak, nt kan tahu aku ga akrab lagi sama Farel. Jadi, siapa gue gitu?!

Eh, pas aku balik lagi, selintas mereka berdua masih asik berduaan di sana. Iiih, si Farel ga takut digosipin apa ya?
Eh Ra, dengerin aku ga sih? Woy!!!
Aduh Maya. Kamu tuh takut si Farel digosipin, tapi sendirinya ngegosipin dia, gimana sih. Panas tau kupingku dengerin dari tadi! Udah besok aja ceritanya di sekolah. Nanti pulsa nt abis. Lagian hpku bentar lagi memuai nih kayanya. Panas banget tau May!
Ya udah deh, tapi besok kasih solusinya yah!!!
Yup, oke deh May. Belajar ya, kemaren nilai sejarah kamu merah kan? Ayolah berjuang untuk diri sendiri kali ini. Ok say?!
Oke Ra, doain aja ya. Assalamu’alaikum. Klik.

Hmm.. bener juga sih kata Ira, ngapain juga aku pusing-pusing mikirin dia, huh.. emangnya siapa si Farel. Dulu kukira dia bakal jadi sahabatku selama-lamanya. Taunya pas kelas tiga, kenal sama cewe itu, aku ga dianggep sama sekali! Hiks.. Sebeeel. Farel jelek!
Udah ah, mau belajar. Sejarah merah! Cuma Ira yang tau. Biarin aja. Emang aku ga jago ngapal, mau diapain?! Ya sudah, belajar yang keras, insyaAllah akan menjadi lebih baik hasilnya. Karena bisa jadi, semester kemaren aku kurang kerja keras. Yup! Bismillah.

---------------------------------------------------Al Hum’s----------------------------------------------

Aduuh, udah setengah tujuh. Ujiannya jam tujuh. Gimana nih, naik angkot M20.. hugh ga mungkin bisa diandalkan!
Pasti diturunin di Mangga Besar. Ya sudahlah, minta anterin Bang Madun lagi, huaaaaaaaaa… ga jajan deh gue!
Assalamu’alaikum, Bang Maduuuuuuuuun…. Eh Mpo’ Mineh, ada bang Madunnye?
Ada di dalem. Mau minta anterin ya?
Iya nih, ada ujian jam 7. Sekarang udah setengah tujuh lewat 10. Bisa minta tolong cepetan ga ya mpo’?
Bisa.. Bisa.. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang…! Maya, minta dianterin noh, mau ujian dia jam 7!
Tungguin bentar ya May.
Iye mpo’. Aduh pusing gue denger orang BA (betawie aseli, red) ini teriakin lakinya.
Tak lama, bang Madun keluar lengkap dengan kacamata hitamnya. Hemm, pas deh sama kulitnya.
He, Bang. Matching amat ni ari. Eh, maap ni saya buru-buru jadi nanti kuencengan dikit ye.
Oke dah!

Yah bang, kaga ada helm lagi apa?
Kaga ada May.
Yah, ntar bukannya ujian di sekolah malah di kantor polisi lagi????
Kaga, udah tenang aja. Ni Jakarta kan punya leluhur gua. Si polisi palingan orang Jawa. Berani apa dia??
Tau deh aku harus lega denger argumen itu ato ga.. tapi, mendingan aku berdoa ajah deh.. Sebenernya aku juga ga yakin, dia punya SIM apa engga, tapi aku males nanyanya..

----------------------------------------------------Al Hum’s----------------------------------------------

Gile ni orang,, disuruh cepet malah.. omg.. undur-undur yang menang lomba sprint seRT juga tetep menang sama bang Madun. Wuoy.. bang, buruan dikit nape.. dah jam 7 kurang lima nii, masih di Cilandak. Mana hari senen lagi, biang macet daahh.. di mangga besar apalagi,, wuuuhhh, eh bang di sana banyak polisi nangkring tahu…

Iye May, ni motor emang belom diservis jadinya kurang tenaga.. pantesan ya, gua jual kaga ada yang mau.. dalam hati, ya iyyalaah.. kalo polisi mah kita ngumpet aja lagi..ok..kata dia selanjutnya.
Aduuh, aku jadi ngeri sama ujiannya nii,, selain takut telat juga ga berkah coz harus ngelanggar peraturan..
Tapi, ya Allah.. kumohon ampuni aku kali ini.. yaaa..

------------------------------------------------------Al Hum’s--------------------------------------------

Nasruminnallah,, berkat pertolongan Allah akhirnya sampe juga.. keliatan pak polisi siih tadi, cuman ko aku dibiarkan bebas ya.. sebenernya siih aku pasang muka memelas dan kebingungan serta panik waktu bertemu mata pak Polisi.. apa mungkin karena itu??? Glekh..
Satu orang lagi yang harus aku hadapi sesampainya di gerbang.. eh tar dulu,, si bang Madun ko langsung ngacir waktu aku mau ngasi duit? Eh dia lupa apa nolak rejeki? Iiihh,, ah udahlah ntar aja pas pulang ditanya lagi.

Ini hari keberuntunganku ato apa ya,, tiba-tiba ada angkot berhenti dan keluar beberapa temanku yang juga “akan” dinyatakan terlambat olah pak Wakidjo, itu tadi satu orang yang kumaksud..
Sebenernya sih, kita dah deket sama pak satpam ini, tapi yang namanya terlambat.. dia ga bakalan menolerir..
Oh my God, aku harus menyiapkan jawaban yang realistis nih sebagai alasan keterlambatan..

Huuh, demi melihat si Farel yang baru datang juga.. pikiranku jadi kacau..sebel. Tapi dia cuma melirikku sebentar ketika aku dan yang lain sedang meratapi nasib di depan pintu pagar. Kemudian dia ngajak ngobrol pak Wakidjo yang sedang menuju arah kami, hiiiy,, bawa pentungan lagi! Si Farel langsung menduduki posisi paling depan karena kami seperti sedang berbaris. Biasa, ngumpet-ngumpetan. Padahal si Rere sama Mimi dan Iqbal kan ‘lebar’ banged! Mana mungkin ga keliatan gitu loh..

Satu menit kemudian, pak Wakidjo membuka pintu gerbang dan tanpa penghormatan umum qt balik kanan bubar deh.. ga tau juga apa yang diomongin Farel sama pak Wakidjo, tapi yang jelas setelah satu menit mereka ngomong, pak Wakidjo mengizinkan kami masuk. Lagian emang hari pertama ujian semester.. ya sudahlah, mungkin ini adalah toleransi yang diberikan olehnya. Tapi, apa yang Farel omongin ke pak Wakidjo ya..
Padahal kami, tepatnya bertiga udah memikirkan hal kreatif untuk ngasi alasan agar diizinkan masuk bahkan sampai berkeringat dingin segala,, si Mimi yang baris di belakangku mengeluh karena ada beberapa halaman yang khusus dipersiapkan untuk dihapal sebelum bel masuk bunyi.. hhhh kalo kaya gini keadaannya..udah ga ada harapan lagi.. karena dia yakin halaman itu akan keluar di ujian… aku untung udah baca semua.. tapi cuma baca, belom dihapal. Kan aku ga jago ngapal. Hadduh,, udah ah ntar kalo udah baikan sama si Farel aku mau nanya dia ngomong apa sama pak satpam tadi.

Tiba di kelas, aku langsung menjadi pusat perhatian.. hhaah.. keliatan banget abis keringetan, punggungku basah.. ah tapi ga ada yang liat, kan aku pake jilbab.. tapi demi menahan malu karena terlambat.. aku dengan bijaksananya mencoba menjelaskan keterlambatanku ke bu guru sejarah.. padahal aku lupa samasekali dengan bahan yang aku baca tadi malam.. aku beralasan bahwa aku tidur kemaleman karena belajar.. ooowwhh untungnya beliau terima, aneh.. padahal aku beralasan sangat dibuat-buat..sebenernya sih karena abis subuh ketiduran. karena, udah tidurnya jam 2, sahurnya jam 4. Bagiku ga cukup cuma tidur dua jam.. jadi mungkin tubuhku meminta tambahan waktu, abis subuh deh dimanfaatin. untung pas subuh itu udah mandi, jadi pas bangun kesiangan tinggal berangkat aja. Tapi ya karena buru-buru aku ga sempet pake jilbab jadinya cuma pake bergo. Padahal aku paling ga suka pergi-pergi pake bergo, apalagi ke sekolah, keliatannya ga rapi githu.

Udah gitu aku bawa tas yang kemaren aku pake waktu pergi ke mall. Yah lupa bawa buku sekolah.. ahh untung aku selalu nyediain pulpen dan pensil di setiap tas yang aku pake. Jadi, modal ujianku ya.. kedua benda itu dan ingatanku, kalo masih bersisa. Oh semoga Allah memudahkan..
Kebetulan aku bukan tipe yang suka nyontek meskipun sedang dilanda kesusahan.. ya sudah aku pasrah saja.. hanya saja aku mandeg banget di soal essaynya.. ngemeng apaaa coba.

Selesai ujian, aku legaan dikit deh. Yang penting disyukuri aja masih diperbolehkan untuk ikut ujian..
Sebenernya dulu waktu aku milih masuk IPA, kirain ga ada pelajaran sejarah deelel.. ko malah dapet juga.. nyebelin banget siih.. ahh untung lagi puasa, kemarahanku hanya bergejolak di dalam hati saja.. jam sepuluh ujian lagi, sekarang masih jam sembilanan, aku keluar kelas dan duduk di depan kelas sambil nyender ke tembok.. memikirkan si Farel, dia begaya kaya pahlawan banget sih.. waktu ngelirik aku tadi. Yee, emang gue pikirin.. udah ah, ke musholla aja mau sholat dhuha, oya.. bawa catatan matematika! Kebetulan catatanku itu khusus berisi rumus-rumus yang aku rangkum, kemaren waktu ke mall aku bawa..
Ku ambil buku catatanku ke dalam kelas.. eh aku ngeliat temen-temenku lagi gundah gulana.. ooh ternyata karena ujian sejarah tadi.

Kudengar salah satunya menyesalkan diri karena semalam lebih memilih nonton pentas idol di tv daripada belajar. Padahal dia ga telat, ga ngos-ngosan masuk kelas kaya aku tadi tapi dia masih mengeluh karena ga sempet belajar. Hal senada juga dikatakan kawanku yang lain.. lhoo ada apa ini, kenapa anak-anak ini pada gandrung sama acara itu? Apa bagusnya siih?
Ah tapi topik itu paling ujung-ujungnya adalah mereka terkena ghozwul fikri. So..? lu mau diem aja ngeliat temen-temen lu kaya gitu May? Tanyaku dalam hati.. ya enggalah.. tapi devil dalam hatiku juga berkata, ya udahlah biarin aja mereka terlena..kan karena mereka juga kamu ada temennya mengalami kesusahan ujian ini..

Aku menimpali, yeee.. gimana sih lu vil.. kan mereka semester kemaren ga merah nilainya di raport. Lah gue? Ah payah lo. Mau nyenengin hati maksudnya?.. pikir dulu doong..
Bener, berarti ni temen-temen emang harus dibenahi, pikirannya maksudku. Masakan gara-gara nonton gituan mereka ga belajar. Ah tapi kalo aku ngomong begitu… secara mereka emang pinter, mungkin bahkan ga perlu belajar untuk ujian… nanti aku diketawain lagi..
Tapi kan bukan karena ujiannya sih, tapi karena kegandrungan mereka ituloh.. ah udah… banyak alasan. Nanti aku pikirin lagi aja…

Sekarang ke musholla, bawa mushaf dan catatan matematika. Keluar dari pintu kelas, belok kanan.. sekitar lima meter ada tangga ke atas ke ruang kelas anak-anak IPS. Aku melewati kelas IPA2 kemudian baru tangga itu, aku iseng (doang) ngelirik ke atas, ehemm.. malleeesss banget.. melihat si Farel sama Astrid lagi turun tangga, diperparah lagi aku ngeliat si Astrid ngegandeng Farel..

Oh tidak. Aku langsung membuang muka sebelum bertatapan dengan Farel. Kemudian berlari menuju musholla bagian akhwat.. karena bukan ‘tempat’ kondusif untuk seorang akhwat berlari… pasti mencolok banget… ah biarin aja.. kejadian itu benar-benar memuakkan… Farel oh Farel, mengapa kau jadi begini…
Melawan angin aku karena kulihat pucuk pohon beringin dekat musholla akhwat mengarah kepadaku. Tak terasa mataku memerah, padahal kecepatan lariku tak seberapa..segera aku menuju kamar mandi dan terisak di sana. Agak lama, tapi untuk apa kutangisi hal ini, aku juga tak mengerti.. aku keluar, kemudian berwudhu. Selesai sholat, aku tertunduk.. aku memikirkan bagaimana bisa Farel… tak dinyana… aku tak menemukan jawabannya, jadi aku tilawah dulu beberapa menit. Sepuluh menit terakhir sebelum aku beranjak dari tempat sholatku aku membaca-baca catatanku.. aku berdoa semoga aku ga kepikiran tentang dia lagi waktu ujian nanti.

Ketika ujian aku teringat kelebatan mereka berdua ketika turun tangga, dan aku males banget ngeliatnya. Aku kurang konsentrasi walau sebagian besar soal ujian bisa kujawab. Setelah selesai ujian aku langsung tertunduk dan menempelkan keningku pada tangan yang kusandarkan pada meja. Aku sedih melihat Farel seperti itu.. aku merasa telah kehilangan seseorang yang dekat denganku.. aku ga jealous, sama sekali tidak. Tapi dia yang pernah menjadi sahabatku, tak bisa aku jaga. Itu yang aku sesalkan.

Aku teringat bagaimana dulu kami bisa menjadi akrab. Karena berada di organisasi yang sama, OSIS, makanya sering berhubungan dan ngobrol banyak. Mungkin karena obrolan kami nyambung, maka ia merasa nyaman denganku. Aku sih tadinya biasa saja, karena sejak kecil terbiasa bermain dengan teman laki-laki, walaupun ketika masuk Rohis baru tahu batasannya seperti apa. Aku juga merasa dia enak diajak ngobrol ini itu, lama-lama sering curhat. Tadinya masalah OSIS lalu merembet ke lain-lainnya, misalnya ngomongin si Putri adik kelas kita mirip pemeran Lala (Marshanda), aku bilang aja “emang? Enggak ah.” Dia maksa bilang mereka mirip, ya udah lah ntar aku buktiin.. walau itu tidak terbukti tuh sampe sekarang. Yah, pokonya selama dia terganggu dengan sikap keras kepalaku, pasti cocok menjadi sahabatku. Itu terjadi setahun pada saat kelas dua, saat kami sedang giat berorganisasi. Pada saat itulah, banyak terjadi sesuatu yang kebetulan melibatkan dia dalam kejadian unik dalam hidupku. be continued :)

Interesting Moment in Library Part 3

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Aku tertarik ke toko buku karena sering diajak jalan-jalan kesana oleh bapakku waktu kecil. Ternyata ada juga ‘perpustakaan’ di mall. Sayangnya harus beli, hihi. Maklum waktu itu masih kecil, belum ngerti. Sekarang aku ke toko buku untuk mencari referensi buku terbaru. Seiring berjalannya waktu referensi itu tak semua ada di sana. Terutama ketika aku duduk di bangku kuliah.

-    Sebelum skripsi (jarang ke perpus, kesanku terhadap perpus perdana terulang ketika di perpus MIPA, hoo seraam)
Suatu ketika di semester awal kuliah, aku perlu mencari buku, tepatnya skripsi kakak kelas yang bertema Geomorfologi. Tentu saja yang namanya skripsi harus dicari di perpustakaan. Nah, kata teman-teman harus dicari di perpustakaan fakultas. Kedatangan perdana kesana, ternyata memang banyak referensi. Khusus untuk skripsi, tugas akhir, thesis, dan disertasi ada di lantai 2. Waktu aku naik ke atas, di tangga yang sangat sempit itu aku temui banyak debu keramat, sepertinya jalan ini jarang dilalui orang. Sesampainya aku di lantai 2, aku langsung melihat sekeliling. Waah, walaupun ruangannya tidak lebih besar dari perpus di SMP-ku tapi masih ada penerangan laah. Setelah beberapa lama aku di sana, aku perhatikan ada tangga ke atas menuju loteng. Aku penasaran ingin melihatnya, karena aku mendengar seperti ada suara-suara aneh di atas sana. Sebenarnya aku merasa agak seram. Tetapi, aku memberanikan diri untuk naik. Pelan-pelan aku menapaki anak tangga yang sebenarnya tidak boleh sembarang orang melewatinya. Aku mencuri waktu ketika pustakawannya tidak di dekat tangga itu, hehe.

Setelah aku sampai di loteng itu, tadaaa… sunyi sekali saudara-saudara.. tentu saja bukan tempat yang menyenangkan untuk berlama-lama di sana. Sebenarnya cukup luas ruangannya, tapi mungkin karena kurang layak jadi tidak dipakai. Sebenarnya aku senang dengan keadaan sunyi itu walaupun agak gelap. Aku sempat berdiam sebentar di suatu tempat yang bisa aku duduki. Kemudian aku membaca buku yang aku bawa ke atas tadi. Tetapi, karena khawatir ketahuan oleh sang pustakawan di bawah, aku memilih untuk segera turun. Akhirnya ketahuan juga sih.. Aku cuma nyengir. Untung dia anak SMA yang lagi PKL, heheh..

-    Ketika Skripsi (masa yang paling menyadarkanku betapa perpus itu sangat-sangat harus menjadi teman, hehe)
o    Perpus Geo – UI
di sini bisa hotspot. meskipun amat sangat diperlukan, yang namanya skripsi untuk bahan acuan tidak bisa dipinjam, tapi bisa ngumpet2 pinjem skripsi [untuk difotokopi] hehe. Peraturannya ‘ketat’ banget, diusir2 kalau jam makan siang dan jam akhir perpus, “udeh…udeh”, kata bu May.
o    Perpus Pusat – UI
Uadeem..tenan nih, udah ber-AC terang benderang dan banyak nemuin orang tentunya..bukunya banyak dan beragam..sampai-sampai aku yang dari science faculty ketularan buku-buku sosial. Jadilah skripsiku agak ke sosial-sosialan…
o    Perpustakaan Nasional (Salemba)
Kalau kita berniat mencari pustaka acuan yang lebih, tentunya kita pergi ke perpus yang lebih besar dong. Tapi di PN ribet masuknya, harus buat kartu dulu, masuknya lewat lift, mohon maaf juga, buku yang kucari gak ketemu..coz, kita gak bisa mencari sendiri.
o    Perpustakaan BPS
Aku tiga kali kesana,. Pelayanannya cukup baik. Tapi kelengkapannya masih kunilai kurang.. But, yang paling tidak mengenakkan tentunya fotokopi satuannya bo, mahal.. Kalau kesana mendingan bawa makanan dan walkman/mp3/mp4.
o    Perpustakaan Dinas PU (Pekerjaan Umum)
Di perpus ini dapat ditemukan beberapa data tentang pembangunan yang dilakukan di DKI Jakarta oleh Pemda. Tidak ada ruang khusus membaca disana. Bisa difotokopi sih, tapi siap-siap mengeluarkan dana juga ya.
o    Perpustakaan Pusat UNJ
Di sini memang banyak bukunya, layaknya seperti perpus tingkat universitas lain. Hanya satu yang aku tidak tahan adalah udara di sekitarnya. Karena ruang tersebut tidak dilengkapi AC dan hal ini dimanfaatkan oleh ‘perokok’ sehingga membuat suasana tidak nyaman.
o    Perpustakaan DTK (Dinas Tata Kota)
Aku kesana sendiri. Awalnya aku ke Balai Kota dekat Monas karena yang kutahu kantornya ada di sana. Ternyata sudah pindah ke jalan Kesehatan. Ketika aku sudah berada di suatu gedung lantai 4, aku sebenarnya berniat mengajukan permohonan data untuk skripsi mengenai bangunan pusat kegiatan olahraga di DKI Jakarta. Tetapi, aku tidak mendapatkan yang aku inginkan. Akhirnya, aku diberikan arahan untuk menuju perpus DTK saja. Ketika aku masuk ke dalam perpus, yang tidak sesuai dengan yang aku bayangkan karena di ruang besar tersebut yang dimaksud dengan ‘perpustakaan’ adalah 2-3 rak berisi buku dan publikasi. Entah apa saja jenis bukunya, aku tak tahu. Aku tak merasa yakin akan menemukan apa yang kucari. Tapi aku akan mencobanya. Tak lama, ada beberapa orang mahasiswa yang datang dengan maksud yang sama. Kami berkenalan dan ternyata mereka anak PNJ. Mereka merasa beruntung bertemu denganku karena sedang butuh peta yang bisa didapat di jurusanku. Akhirnya kami membuat janji beberapa hari kemudian.

-    Setelah Lulus
o    Perpus SPAK – ITB (beda perpus, beda servis) jalan2 ke Bandung waktu Ramadhan pulang I’tikaf langsung ke Bandung…nguantuuk.. janjian dadakan sama adek kelas yang luamma buanget gak ketemu, taunya dia ada rencana mau S2 Jepang juga..weedeeh.. Aku sama teman kesana bermaksud mencari data untuk membuat grand design research proposal untuk beasiswa S2 Jepang juga.. kebetulan.. pas pulang yang rencananya mo ba’da ashar jadi ba’da maghrib.. bukannya nanya orang angot ke terminal naik apa.. malahan terluntang-lantung gak jelas di halte, padahal adzan maghrib sudah berkumandang.. berhubung busnya lama dan udah jarang jam segitu jadi kita jamak di rumah.. (rumahnya dimana? Di Jakarta, hehe..) hampir 1 jam kita berdua menunggu, yang ditunggu tak jua muncul, ada juga yang mengacuhkan kami…hoo.. akhirnya ada yang berbaik hati mau mengajak kami tapi tidak bisa sampai terminal.. loh, lalu kemana toh? Huaa.. ya udahlah yang penting sampai ke tujuan.. ternyata kami di turunkan entah di mana itu, lalu kami menyetop angkot yang lewat dan harus 2x naik angkot dari tempat kami diberhentikan bus.. kyaaa..tapi masih sempat beli brownies gitu deh pas sampai terminal..untuk keluarga.
o    Perpus masih menjadi tempat favorit tapi untuk gratisan hotspot. Ketemu orang yang dikenal, tapi ketika aku dadahin dia gak ngeh,, kirain dia ngenalin aku terus mau nyapa, taunya dia lagi nyari apa ada kabel atau stop kontak yang bisa diajak join…untung semua orang tertuju pada laptopnya masing-masing…(embarrassing moment!) ><. Oya, berhubung gratisan juga jadi banyak orang yang menggunakan kesempatan ini, entah berpengaruh atau tidak tapi.. download-an aku yang kurang lebih sudah 1 jam dan tinggal 6% lagi failed gara-gara sinyalnya tiba-tiba disconnect..hoh.. :o Nasyiib..

Pengalaman lainnya yang bisa dijadikan hikmah adalah ketika aku melihat orang-orang di perpus, aku banyak mengambil inspirasi dan motivasi. Sampai akhirnya aku jadi berpikir, segeralah membuat resensi buku dan bahkan sebuah buku lalu kirimkan ke penerbit…! Semangat.

Interesting Moment in Library Part 2

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Waktu aku SMA tidak ada kisah menarik yang kupunya. Karena kebutuhan untuk berinteraksi dengan (koleksi) buku di perpus kurang. Dorongan dari guru juga tidak begitu memotivasi. Apalagi perpus sekolahku waktu itu tidak semenarik sekarang. Bayangkan saja antara tahun 1999 dan 2009 (ohoho 10 tahun yaa bedanya..). Pasti beda.. walaupun waktu kelas dua ada seruan atau semacam peraturan untuk siswa wajib berada di perpus, selama 1 jam kalau tak salah.

Ya sudah di dalam perpus aku dan teman-temanku terutama laki-laki ngobrol tentang pertandingan sepakbola (oh My Godness) yang tidak aku mengerti. Aku bengong aja mendengarkan ocehan mereka. Karena puyeng alias gak mudeng… serta merta aku mengambil koran atau apa yang menarik untuk aku baca.. Lepas sudah dari perbincangan yang ‘roaming’ itu.. Akhirnya 1 jam berakhir dan siapa cepat dia bubar duluan, alias keluar perpus duluan.. Kenapa tempat itu kurang nyaman ya..? Oh ternyata kesanku terhadap perpus itu tidaklah seperti ini. Yang ada di benakku, perpustakaan itu harusnya gelap, raknya berdebu, dan penjaganya seram. Hoh, ini di luar dugaan. Tempatnya bersih, maklum gedungnya baru, ada televisinya pula. Udah gitu, bukannya sepi malahan ramai. Mendingan aku ke toko buku, kan sama-sama bisa baca buku gratis, hehe. Adem lagi.

Interesting Moment in Library Part 1

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Kisah seruku di perpustakaan dimulai pada saat aku duduk di bangku SMP, yaah kurang lebih 12 tahun yang lalu laah (he.. lama bener yak!). Yap, waktu itu aku pertama kali masuk ke perpustakaan yang (sepertinya) jarang dikunjungi, kelihatan sekali dindingnya kusam, cuacanya gelap (eh..emangnya langit), maksudnya kurang penerangan, jadi keliahatannya angker gitu deh. Pantas saja temen-teman malas datang kesana. Aku juga datang ke perpustakaan karena ada tugas dari guru (hehe). Untungnya perpus (singkatan dari perpustakaan) itu dekat dengan kantin, jadi gampang kalau  mau jajan. Bandel juga sih, padahal gak boleh bawa makanan ke dalam.

Waktu itu aku masih kelas 1, sekitar tahun 1997. Ehem, kalau boleh bangga (boleh gak niih), waktu itu aku sekelas sama seseorang yang jadi seleb loh sekarang. Siapa sih? He, yah ganteng  laah. Tapi, aku gak naksir dia kok, beneran! (penting gak seh eshu..). Aku kasih tahu tapi, jangan bilang siapa-siapa yak.. (lohh?!). Clue-nya, dia itu jadi model video klip lagu barunya pengantin baru yang nikah sama artis Malaysia. See? You got it! (tetep! Gak penting..hihi).

Nah, baru nih kejadian yang benernya di dalam perpus..(kok?). Lah iya, tadi kan di luar perpus. Aku lupa guruku memberi tugas baca buku apa, tapi beneran deh kesan pertamaku terhadap perpustakaan (yah berhubung waktu SD tidak ada perpus, jadi ini pengalaman perdana) adalah perpustakaan itu selain sepi, juga seram. Udah gitu, penerangan dari arah pintu yang juga tertutup oleh tembok kelas sebelah terhalang juga oleh rak-rak buku yang tinggi-tinggi dan uhhukk, berdebu. Huh…gak asyik deh pokoknya. Sampai akhirnya aku menemukan satu buku novel genrenya non-fiksi (sepertinya, karena aku belum tahu genre-genrean waktu itu). Jadi itu buku aku anggap keren banget.

Pertama, uh kayanya novel lama nih, udah gitu sampul dan kertasnya lapuk banget, jadi antik gitu deh dan pasti gak semua orang punya. Kedua, teksnya bahasa Inggris. Walaupun kurang mengerti arti kalimatnya, tapi aku (seolah) paham  maksudnya (kok, bisa seh shu??). Aku tertarik banget sama novel itu, sampai-sampai karena batas waktu peminjamannya kurang daripada waktu yang tersedia untuk membaca (halah..!), jadi aku perpanjang. Sebenarnya aku juga tertarik dengan peta dunia dan ensiklopedia, tapi tidak sebesar ketertarikanku dengan novel yang kutemui satu-satunya itu. Selain meyeramkan ruangannya, perpus itu juga membuatku enggan berjumpa lagi dengan bapak penjaganya. Karena, ketika aku akan meminjam buku atau harus bertanya ini itu, ia membelakangi cahaya yang sedikit masuk ruangan tersebut. Jadi, tentu saja wajahnya tidak terlalu jelas terlihat dan menambah kesan angker perpustakaan. Oh..seraam.

Jadi, novel itu berkisah tentang keluarga petani di Inggris. Kalau kita pernah memperhatikan salah satu film di televisi, yang mengisahkan tentang keluarga petani yang salah satu anggota keluarganya ada anak perempuan. Mereka hidup di area pertanian dan jaraknya agak jauh dari kota. Semacam film Heidi, tapi bukan itu. Suatu hari, kira-kira setahun kemudian waktu aku di kelas 2 aku menonton film yang mengisahkan isi novel itu. Wah, kesempatan yang langka dan kebetulan sekali. Aku semakin tertarik dengan kisah kesederhanaan hidup yang digambarkan dalam film tersebut. Salah satu contoh gambaran keunikan cerita mereka adalah ketika tokoh anak perempuan susah sekali tidur karena memikirkan hidungnya yang pesek, lalu saudaranya ada yang mengusulkan untuk menjepitnya dengan jepitan baju yang biasa digunakan untuk menjemur baju. Akhirnya si tokoh anak perempuan ini tidur meski sulit bernapas dan tentu saja, ketika bangun, hidungnya bukan mancung tapi memerah dan kesakitan. Saudaranya? Tentu saja menertawakan dia. Aku mengambil hikmah dari satu adegan yang paling aku ingat ini bahwa, kita harus mensyukuri apa yang kita punya. Tak perlu menjadi orang lain untuk disukai, karena orang lain akan bertambah kecewa ketika kita tidak menampilkan apa adanya kita.

Sayangnya aku lupa (ngapalin) judul novelnya. Soalnya, ketika kelas 3 baru tersadar, ternyata aku suka membaca dan menulis. Padahal itu novel pertama yang aku baca hingga akhirnya aku menemukan jati diriku. Maksudnya? Bahwa aku termasuk orang yang romantis (hehehe) karena menyukai karya sastra. Romantis? Ya, karena sebenarnya aku dikenal cukup tomboy. Tapi setelah membaca buku-buku bernuansa roman, aku merasa agak melankolis. Saat kelas 3 itu aku suka membuat puisi. Tapi tidak aku kumpulkan, sehingga sekarang aku tak punya kenangan saat itu. Sayang ya..

Apa? Gw rangking 10?

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Apa? Gw rangking 10?

Oleh Eshu Humaira

“Pertama kalinya Eshu duduk di bangku baris belakang”

Ini hari pertama aku masuk sekolah setelah pembagian raport caturwulan satu, sebulan yang lalu. Alhamdulillah, meskipun nemku tidak terlalu bagus di SMP favorit itu, tapi aku bisa mendapat rangking 4. SMP Negeri 41 adalah SMP favorit hingga saat ini. Letaknya di dekat Kebun Binatang Ragunan dan Rumah Sakit Hewan serta kantor PLN dan Departemen Pertanian.

Aku merangsek masuk ke kelasku di lantai dasar dekat ruag olahraga, kelas 1-10. Aku kangen sekali. Walaupun kulihat banyak keramat dan debu yang bertebaran, tetapi tetap membuatku ingin segera bersekolah. Hari ini tidak ada kegiatan belajarmengajar, hanya ada pengumuman bahwa akan diberlakukan peraturan baru di kelasku. Semua yang tadinya duduk di baris depan sampai tengah, sekarang harus berpindah ke belakang. Alhasil, aku harus duduk di bangku paling belakang. Tadinya sih ok saja. Tetapi selang dua minggu, aku merasa ada yang aneh. 

Hah, beruntung suara guruku mengajar cukup terdengar sampai belakang, jadi aku masih bisa memperhatikan. Tapi, teman-teman laki-laki yang biasanya duduk di belakang sekarang duduk di depan. Aku merasa tidak nyaman karena mereka selalu berisik. Setidaknya kalau aku duduk di depan, suara mereka teredam oleh suara guru. Sekarang, mereka terlihat lebih mendominasi. Terlebih, guru-guru biasanya tidak mondar-mandir ke baris belakang, kecuali sedang mengawas ujian. 

Aku belum menyadari bahwa sebenarnya aku stress dengan keadaan itu. Karena sejak SD aku selalu duduk di baris depan sehingga aku dapat menangkap pelajaran dengan baik. Sedangkan kini, aku sepertinya banyak ketinggalan pelajaran. Apalagi karena situasi yang tidak memungkinkan untuk mendengarkan guru. Aku lebih tertarik bercanda dengan teman-temanku di baris belakang sambil mengobrol.

Karena situasi seperti itu, anak-anak di baris belakang sering mendapat teguran dari guru. Apalagi, mereka mengetahui bahwa kebanyakan dari kami adalah yang mendapat rangking sepuluh besar. Kami beralasan, bahwa kami berisik karena teman-teman di depan juga berisik sehingga suara guru tidak terdengar. Tetapi, yang kami obrolkan adalah tentang palajaran juga.

Guruku tidak mengindahkan alasan itu. Oleh karena itu ia akan memberikan sanksi bila ada yang mengobrol lagi saat pelajaran tengah berlangsung. Akupun menjadi lebih tenang, setidaknya teman-teman yang memang biasanya berisik di baris depan akan lebih waspada akan peringatan itu.

Selang tiga bulan kemudian, aku merasa ada yang salah dengan mataku. Tulisan guruku di depan tidak terlalu jelas. Seperti berbayang. Setiap kali aku akan menulis apa yang tertera di papan tulis, aku harus memastikannya dengan tulisan teman sebangkuku. Lama-lama aku jadi bosan. Seminggu kemudian, lebih parah lagi. Bahkan aku harus memicingkan mata untuk sekedar mengetahui guruku sedang menulis apa. Wajah gurukupun tidak terlihat begitu jelas. Oh, apa yang harus kulakukan? Mana sebentar lagi ujian lagi.

Ketika aku bercerita pada teman-temanku, mereka menyarankan agar aku memeriksakan mataku. Akhirnya, aku pergi ke polimata di Rumah Sakit Fatmawati. Ternyata mataku minus satu setengah. Wah..wah.. aku harus pakai kacamata dong?!

Tiga hari kemudian, kacamata yang kupesan di optik sudah jadi. Besoknya aku memakai kacamata ke sekolah. Ha.. tapi terlambat, kacamata itu tidak bisa membuat aku menangkap semua pelajaran di kelas. Bagaimana ini.. Ujianku sebentar lagi.

Akhirnya , hari ujianpun tiba. Dalam sepekan terakhir aku sudah berusaha semampuku melengkapi catatan pelajaran yang mungkin belum kucatat dari temanku. Hanya saja, aku lemah dalam menghapal. Mengingat apa yang dikatakan guru juga sudah tidak mungkin karena aku duduk di belakang. Maka, aku mengerjakan ujian semampu yang aku bisa.
Sampai saatnya tiba pembagian rapor caturwulan 2, aku dinyatakan rangking 10. Entah aku harus bersyukur atau tidak dengan kenyataan itu. Di satu sisi aku harusnya bersyukur karena masih 10 besar, tetapi aku kesal karena rangkingku turun 6 peringkat, tidak tanggung-tanggung. Tetapi, teman-teman dekatku seperti tahu apa yang kurasakan, mereka menasihatiku supaya bersyukur saja, karena dengan syukur kita akan merasa cukup. Akhirnya aku menghela napas dan tersenyum pada teman-temanku.
Aku juga senang karena akhirnya di caturwulan ketiga, peraturan di kelas itu dikembalikan seperti semula. Jadi, aku bisa duduk di depan lagi. Oh, Alhamdulillah. Dan di caturwulan terakhir di kelas satu ini aku mendapat rangking 2.

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West part 4

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SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West (Senja di Ufuk Barat)

Written by Eshu Humaira
411.  NARRATOR: IVAN starled for a moment because he held a poems collection written by SARAH ATKINSON.

412.  IVAN: SARAH? She wrote this? (approaching the employee) Miss, is there an example of this one?
413.  SPG GIRL: Oh yes, here it is. Do you like poems too? This book is really caught on this month. New author. Yesterday she came here. The people’s here took several pictures with her. You’ll see the pictures at the cashier.
414.  IVAN: Really? I want to look her biography, maybe she’s my close friend that I’ve been looking for. I haven’t met her for a long time.
415.  SPG GIRL: Oh..that’s a coinsidence. The poems are really great. They’re really touching.
416.  IVAN: (smiling, opening the last page) You’re right, she’s my sister. I must buy this. I’ll read it at home. KRINGG…
417.  IVAN: Hello…
418.  RYAN: IVAN, I’m done. See you at the cashier.
419.  IVAN: Ok. I’ll be there in a few minutes.

420.  NARRATOR: At the cashier. There are a lot of Sarah Atkinson’s photos with the employees. SARAH’s photos mesmerized IVAN at that time.
421.  RYAN: Hey, IVAN! What are you looking at? Do you know Sarah Atkinson?
422.  IVAN: Yeah, she’s my past.
423.  RYAN: Your past? I don’t really get it. Oh, you bought her book. Someone told me that her books are bestseller.
424.  IVAN: See you. Oh? Ok, let’s go home now.
425.  RYAN: Someday I’ll borrow it, Ok?
426.  IVAN: We’ll see.

427.  NARRATOR: At IVAN’s home. IVAN had read the book over and over again.

429.  IVAN: MESSAGES FROM MY HEART, by SARAH Atkinson. Dedicated for my destiny. Is it me?
“Cry for You”

I sad
If I memorize you
If I’m remembering you
If I’m losing you

But love always beautiful
Even had suffer because of it
Just a few of people to know that
How deep my love is

For all of my power it was hiding from everyone
Can’t bother a storm
Because it’s like everything cannot replace by another
Until I always want to reach you

430.  IVAN: Very beautiful. Anyone who has read this will be touching because of the depth of her love. It is mentioned in this biography that SARAH works as an editor in a publisher that published her book now. So now she’s already working. Thank God.

431.  NARRATOR: IVAN fell asleep when he read the poems. He dreamt meeting Sarah again. This time he met SARAH in a wedding party. When he woke up, IVAN saw that SARAH was very beautiful.
432.  SCENE 32: .. One week later…

433.  TERRY: IVAN, have you already seen Edward’s invitation? He’s getting married in two weeks.
434.  IVAN: NOT YET. Can I see the invitation? EDWARD & MATILDA. Who’s Matilda?
435.  TERRY: I don’t know anything about her, but she graduated from the faculty of Psychology.
436.  IVAN: Really? Same as my sister. Maybe she knew about her.
437.  TERRY: Maybe… Oh, I’ve heard that your friend SARAH has become a writer, isn’t she? Edward told me that She would be Matilda’s bridesmaid.
438.  IVAN: Oh? (smiling happily)
439.  TERRY: So, Will you come to Edward’s wedding?
440.  IVAN: Yes, I will. (smiling)

441.  NARRATOR: Two weeks later. IVAN wore a suit that he had already prepared, hoping to see SARAH. The moment IVAN came and met SARAH.
442.  SCENE 33: int. at the wedding

443.  SARAH: (smiling) How are you?
444.  IVAN:. (looked awkward and starled while looking at SARAH) Oh. Uh…I’m fine. How about you SARAH?
445.  SARAH: I’m fine too.
446.  IVAN: look so pretty today.
447.  SARAH: thanks. By the way, I have to go. Sorry. Come on Martha.
448.  MARTHA: Where will you go, SARAH?
449.  SARAH: I’m Matilda’s bridesmaid, Martha. So, I have to see her right now. The ceremony will be started in a few minutes.
450.  MARTHA: ok, bye IVAN.
451.  IVAN: Bye..  (feeling sad left by sarah)
452.  MARTHA: (Whispering) Haven’t you met him for a long time, Sarah? You ever told me how hard you forget everything about him.
453.  SARAH: Yes, But do you remember the moment when I lost my stuffs that I ordered from you. I told him about that matter and he didn’t care about it. At all. It meant that he didn’t care about me anymore Martha.
454.  MARTHA: So you want a revenge?
455.  SARAH: Not at all. I’ve got a plan in mind to keep away from him for six months. This month is the fifth. I just want him to know that I do have a self respect too. I want to see whether he’s going back to care about me, if I keep a distance from him.
456.  MARTHA: Yes, and it seems to me that you’ve succeed in making him longing with ‘nuisance’ from you, Sarah.
457.  SARAH:  Oh, I don’t know about that. Get over it, Martha. Let’s get in to the dressing room.

458.  NARRATOR: After the wedding party. SARAH wanted to go home with Martha. When she got out from the building, SARAH saw that IVAN had been waiting for her.

459.  IVAN: SARAH, can I talk to you for a second? I’ll drop you by at your home.
460.  SARAH: I’m sorry IVAN, it’s late now. I’m not get used to go home late. I can go back with Martha.
461.  IVAN: But, SARAH..

462.  NARRATOR: SARAH walked passing him. On her way home, she shed tears subconsciously. Was I too harsh towards IVAN?

463.  NARRATOR: IVAN wants to cross the street direct to campus B, to meet his Prof. They’ll discuss research proposal for Germany Scholarship. Suddenly, his eyes focus to a shadow of known girl.

466.  IVAN: SARAH? Is that SARAH? Why doesn’t she cross?

467.  NARRATOR: SARAH feels hard headache at the moment and she holds the traffics light across IVAN. SARAH isn’t strong again. Then IVAN run fast, break through all the people along the way.

468.  IVAN: SARAH!!!!! SARAH!!!!

469.  NARRATOR: SARAH is fainted beside IVAN. IVAN tries to carry her to the hospital. He cancels his appointment with his Prof. Then IVAN accompanies her and call SARAH’s family. One hour later, SARAH is opening her eyes and getting IVAN next to her.

470.  SARAH: Ivaaan...
471.  IVAN: SARAH,,you’ve aware? Thanks God...
472.  SARAH: You had helped me Van? Where am I now?
473.  IVAN: Yap, like 5 years ago. You are in the hospital near Campus B.
474.  SARAH: Thanks... (smiling)

475.  NARRATOR: Suddenly, SARAH’s mom is coming. IVAN, how’s SARAH? Before, IVAN answers it, SARAH’s mom is asked to doctor’s room. IVAN feels thirsty and wants to buy some drinks at the canteen. When pass the doctor’s room, SARAH’s mom is going out and cry.
476.  SCENE 35: at The WAITING ROOM

477.  IVAN: What’s happen, aunt?
478.  SARAH’S MOTHER: IVAN, what a pity Sarah..Why is it happen to her? (while looking at IVAN)
479.  IVAN: What’s wrong aunt? Please tell me the truth, lets discuss it in the waiting room.
480.  SARAH’S MOTHER: But please, keep your word of telling SARAH.
481.  IVAN: Don’t make me worry aunt, please. What’s up?
482.  SARAH’S MOTHER: IVAN, SARAH is sufferring brain cancer, in 3rd stadium. It can’t be prevented. She’s at the last gasp.

483.  NARRATOR: IVAN doesn’t believe it. Why is he finding his lil sist in this condition?

484.  IVAN: (DROPPING) What’s my fault God? Why is so heavy for SARAH?
485.  SARAH’S MOTHER: Please, don’t tell Sarah about it. Just tell her that she has a hard headache and she should be therapy medicated.
486.  IVAN: I promise aunt. I ask your allowance aunt, may I marry her?
487.  SARAH’S MOTHER: Are you serious? But, SARAH’s condition is like this IVAN.
488.  IVAN: I want to keep her. It’s my sincerity to accept her.
489.  SARAH’S MOTHER: Ok, meet her now. Her father also agree, I think, if SARAH’s be glad.
490.  IVAN: Thank you aunt.

491.  NARRATOR:  IVAN is entering SARAH’s medical room. SARAH is showing something to IVAN.

493.  SARAH: IVAN, look at this.
494.  IVAN: What’s this SARAH?
495.  SARAH: That’s the calendar from March till August. Today is the end day of August, so my plan is over...about you.
496.  IVAN: About me?
497.  SARAH: Yeah IVAN. Please forgive me to keep away from you. I want to prove that you also love me.
498.  IVAN: With all my soul, Sarah!
499.  SARAH: What do you mean?
500.  IVAN: I’m really love you SARAH. Since, I looked you at the first sight. I have that feeling when I carry you to the medical room. Still remember?
501.  SARAH: I don’t know when you carry me..that was out of my awareness. But, I tried to find you. CASSIE said that you helped me. So, I looked for you, just wanted to say,,, thanks. I didn’t realize that you had that feeling.
502.  IVAN: (bowing) I’m sorry Sarah, its because, I’m not as strange as you. I don’t have much self confidence to express my feeling to you. And I rejected your request to become my wife at the moment. I know, that was hurt you. And after that, I kept away from you and lose your trail. At the all moment, I miss you so much. And finally, here we are.
503.  SARAH: IVAN, whatever you do to me isn’t an obstacle for me to love you. Do you understand?
504.  IVAN: (smiling, hold SARAH’s hand) I understand. Dearest SARAH, I have talked to your mom outside. I asked her allowance to marry you.
505.  SARAH: (wake up and shock) what? You wanna marry me?
506.  IVAN: Yeah, I’m sure for that. Now, answer it. Would you marry me?
507.  SARAH: Nobody could reject you, IVAN.

509.  NARRATOR: A week later, they get married. At the twilight of first day of marriage.

510.  SARAH: Do you see the light of sun over there, IVAN.. (pointing to the west)
511.  IVAN: Yes Sarah..
512.  SARAH: It always accompany me when I was sad. It shines an expectation for me.
513.  IVAN: So, That means I have to give thanks to the sun when it’s twilight..
514.  SARAH: Why?
515.  IVAN: Because, it helped me to heal your sadness (smile)

517.  NARRATOR: in the night. It’s the most beautiful night for both of them. They are expressing their feelings each other until the sun rise.
518.  SCENE 38: Three months later…AT HOME

519.  SARAH: .IVAN.. Where are you? (at home)
520.  IVAN: What’s wrong? Why do you look so happy?
521.  SARAH: You know what? I’m pregnant!
522.  IVAN: Good news! How old is it?
523.  SARAH: (smiling)
524.  IVAN: two months?
525.  SARAH: (nodding)
526.  IVAN: I’m gonna be a father…!!!

527.  SCENE 39: June 2010. AT THE HOSPITAL.  MORNING.

528.  DOCTOR: Congratulation, you’re a father now
529.  IVAN: Thanks God, My baby is boy or girl, Doc?
530.  DOCTOR: Your baby is girl Sir..
531.  IVAN: Owh (SMILE)
532.  DOCTOR: You can visit her now..
533.  IVAN: Thank you doc. Hi, my super wife..
534.  SARAH: Our baby is girl, darling…
535.  IVAN: yes I know. How are your condition?
536.  SARAH: I’m fine. Just tiring.
537.  IVAN: Really… (kissing Sarah’s forehead)
538.  IVAN: What is the best name for our baby, honey?
539.  SARAH: Hmm,,,I’ve been thinking about it,,how about Jasmine?
540.  IVAN: WOW.. It’s beautiful. I’m agree with you. So, it’s Jasmine Timberlake then.
541.  SARAH: I want it to be Jasmine Atkinson, but she is your daughter of course using your family name.
542.  IVAN:. Well, our second child will be named Atkinson, hehe…just kidding.
543.  SARAH:  (laugh)

544.  NARRATOR: A month later. SARAH does her secret theraphy. While IVAN staying at home keep a secret about SARAH’s sickness.
545.  SCENE 40: AT HOME. INT.

546.  IVAN: Where are you going HONEY, have the medicine first.
547.  SARAH: I’ve taking the same medicine for two years, I’m tired IVAN!
548.  IVAN: Come on darling.. for these two years you didn’t get headache right.
549.  SARAH:  (for a while) alright, I’m going.
550.  IVAN: Where are you going? You still have a furlough.
551.  SARAH: I have an appointment honey, there is a written need to be edit. (she lied)
552.  IVAN: Okay, but don’t be too long. Pity Jasmine.
553.  SARAH: OK

554.  NARRATOR: In the doctor room.. Sarah surprised by another fact.

556.  DOCTOR: Sarah, until when will you lie to your husband, that you have already known your sickness.
557.  SARAH: Sorry, doc. I can’t make them feel sad anymore.
558.  DOCTOR: Are you ready to hear this?
559.  SARAH: What is it doc? Is it the therapy result last week?
560.  DOCTOR:. Yup. (sigh). You are in 4th stadium.
561.  SARAH: What? (unbelievable)
562.  DOCTOR: Calm down Sarah!
563.  SARAH: Oh my GOD.. I’m going to die…
564.  DOCTOR: Don’t say that. The medicine that your husband give it to you are helpful. But, when you consumed it, it’s 3rd.  So it slowed up the virus spreading.
565.  SARAH: (keep the tears) Ok, I will go home now. But, I want ask a question. How much time I have?
566.  DOCTOR:. Hm..if you keep on the therapy and take the medicine, perhaps 5 years again.
567.  SARAH: (smile) Thank you.

568.  NARRATOR: SARAH went home and kept on her tears. SARAH can’t think clearly. She will left her husband and daughter immediately.
569.  SCENE 42: AT HOME

570.  IVAN: Hello dear, have the editing done?
571.  SARAH: (smile) yes…it’s done
572.  IVAN: Umm. Sarah.
573.  SARAH: Yup.
574.  IVAN: my professor told me that my research been accepted and I’ll go to Germany 2 months later.
575.  SARAH: (sad) Wow… but Jasmine and I will be so lonely.
576.  IVAN: You are going to Netherland immediately. So, we can meet there. Besides, I will take my Doctor degree there so we can live together.
577.  SARAH: (smile) you are right….he he

578.  NARRATOR: TWO MONTHS AFTER, IVAN has been gone to Germany. He reminded SARAH to take the medicine regularly even though he has gone.

579.  NARRATOR:  One year later SARAH continued her Master degree in Netherland by taking Jasmine with her. Jasmine is getting older now, even though she has not understand the fact that her mother was sick. After finished her Master degree, IVAN live with his little family in Netherland. IVAN a little surprised when he sees SARAH so weak but still energetic. When she is  doing her thesis, SARAH still have the energy to pursue her professor so the thesis finished faster. Until one day..

580.  SCENE 43: INT. AT HOME.

581.  SARAH: Ivan…umm
582.  IVAN: why didn’t you wear sweater? I’ll take it,,, wait a minute
583.  SARAH: thanks
584.  IVAN: Here it is…hmm,,what happened dear? How is your thesis?
585.  SARAH: I’ll have graduation assembly tomorrow. But, I feel my whole body hurt. It feels like something gnawing slowly.
586.  IVAN: That’s just your feeling.
587.  SARAH: perhaps, it’s only my imagination.
588.  IVAN: (crying) I’m so sorry Sarah, I hope you don’t mad at me because didn’t tell your sickness truthfully.

589.  NARRATOR: The day after, Sarah’s graduation assembly got nice score. And Kim felt so proud and satisfied for her achievement. Jasmine and Ivan gave her a bucket of flower for her.

590.  NARRATOR: A few days after, when Sarah woke up from her bed, she felt that she didn’t have a strength to stand on her both foot, so did walk. So she asks Ivan to buy her wheel chair. Sarah stayed at home all day and played with Jasmine who fed her faithfully.

591.   NARRATOR:. Ivan known this was the time. So he kept on making Sarah happy. He often took her to the lake or hill. After 6th months Sarah used wheel chair, and the family was in the villa on the hill, Sarah at the last gasp on her bed. She had no power. She left her soul mate and her daughter forever in smile.

592.  NARRATOR: Jasmine cried because losing her mother. Ivan only can comfort her. Then, Ivan took Sarah’s death body to London. Whole family and their friends sad and come to Sarah’s funeral. And suddenly Martha comes close to Ivan.

593.  MARTHA: Ivan, I know that you are sad. Hmm, I have to told you something. Actually, Sarah already known there was something weird with her sickness. She had already known that she got cancer. When she went to Netherland, she was in 4th.
594.  IVAN: (Ivan getting more sadness every time he heard that Sarah had already known her sickness). What? Sarah had already known?
595.  MARTHA: Yes…even before you known it, she had it. But she hide it to avoid your sadness.
596.  IVAN: Sarah, why did you carry on your burden on your shoulders.
597.  MARTHA: Hmm, one more thing…all of the memories about you and her sickness was written in her blue diary.
598.  IVAN: Blue book? Which is she always brings everywhere?
599.  MARTHA: Yes…all the poems in her book was in her diary. All of them are for you. She kept it in her bag usually.
600.  IVAN: Ok, I’ll take a look at it. Thank you Martha for your attending.
601.  MARTHA: It’s Okay Ivan.

602.  NARRATOR: As he arrived at home, Ivan found the diary.
603.  IVAN: Oh…here it is the blue book. The cover is blue that pictured by two chairs. In a bottom of each chair had written Ivan and Sarah 2002. It’s about 7 years. It means that it has been written since their first met.
Ivan opens the first page. There’s a letter:
11 Sept 2002
Who are you?
Oh, your name is Ivan. Why do you so cool?
You never look at me. Why?

604.  NARRATOR: Ivan turns to open the whole pages. There’s a letter and some poetry. In a middle of that diary, there’s a letter, it describes that Sarah was known about her sickness, but she didn’t want to tell Ivan about it. She knows that Ivan was lying to her. But, she proud to Ivan because his love and encouragement during this time. Ivan is crying after reads that diary.  And says, I will always love you honey. He smiles to Jasmine in his left beside.

--- the end ---

SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West part 3

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SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West (Senja di Ufuk Barat)

Written by Eshu Humaira

264.  NARRATOR: SARAH tried to have a chat with Ruth, but … Ruth was more friendly than IVAN. SARAH was like having a new brother. That freelance job lasted for 5 months. Day by day, Sarah became so close with Ruth without knowing that Sarah had a special feeling for her brother. Even though she worked at the same place with IVAN, they seldom had a chat. One day when Sarah got back from other town, Sarah had an eye to deliver some souvenirs ordered by Ruth to her house. IVAN wasn’t there by chance at that time. For Sarah, this whole situation quite make her tensed, because that was the first time she was going to meet all IVAN’s family members.

265.  SCENE 21: In IVAN’s living room

266.  RUTH: So, SARAH. How was your trip? Fun right?
267.  SARAH: Yes, even though that was quite tiring. This is your errand, Ruth.
268.  RUTH: Oh, thank you… I’ve been told that you’re going to the beach, Have you brought the sand? For my SISTER, of course.
269.  SARAH: Yes, I bring it for DIANA.
270.  RUTH: I’m going in to put this. My mom will accompany you for some time.
271.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Is this SARAH?
272.  SARAH: (smiling, shaking hands) Oh yes, auntie. My name is SARAH Atkinson.
273.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Owh.. Miss Atkinson, how’s your journey to Bangka Island?
274.  SARAH: It’s fun. I like their culture.
275.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Oh, really. That’s great. I heard that the beach was so beautiful.
276.  SARAH: Yes, I’ve taken a lot of pictures. Do you want to see it? This is one of it.
277.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Oh.. it’s so beautiful. But, it’s very hot, isn’t it?
278.  SARAH: yes, you’re right. There’s so hot climate. I have been sick because of it, auntie.
279.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Really? By the way, do you have a close relationship with IVAN?
280.  SARAH: (blushing) sort of. He’s my senior in college. Even though we’re not in the same department, but we’re still in the same faculty.
281.  IVAN’S MOTHER: Hmm… so he’s got to know you from the former project, Wasn’t it?
282.  SARAH:  Yes…
283.  IVAN’S MOTHER: By the way, how old are you? Which one is older? Is it you or IVAN?
284.  SARAH: IVAN is older, auntie.
285.  IVAN’S MOTHER: (nod in agreement..smiling)
286.  RUTH: SARAH, may I introduce my sister.. This is Diana.
287.  SARAH: (SHAKING HANDS) Owh, Hi Di. Nice to meet you.
288.  DIANA: Hello, SARAH. Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the sands.
289.  SARAH: Oh, it’s nothing.
290.  IVAN’S MOTHER: I’ll go to the kitchen then, for cooking.
291.  SARAH: Oh, as you please ..
292.  RUTH: So, may I see some pictures at there? So, may I see some of your pictures?
293.  SARAH: Sure, these are.. Sure, here you go..
294.  RUTH: You look so sick. What’s wrong?
295.  SARAH: I got a headache again when I was there. But now it’s better. I got it from the sun stroke at the beach.
296.  RUTH: you’ll better have to check to doctor, SARAH. You’d better see a doctor, Kim.
297.  SARAH: yes, I will. Umm, Ruth.. I think It’s time for me to leave.
298.  RUTH: mm, Ok. Take Care of you Kim. Ok.. Take care.
299.  SARAH: Thanks auntie, uncle. I’m going now.. See you.
300.  IVAN’S MOTHER & FATHER: Take care SARAH. Thanks for the souvenirs.

301.  NARRATOR: One week later…

303.  DOCTOR: Miss Atkinson, I’m sorry about this. But you have to face the truth.
304.  SARAH: (crying) Why me, Doc?
305.  DOCTOR: You’re a little bit too late. By the way, how long have you suffered the headache?
306.  SARAH: Since four years ago, Doc. At the beginning, I fell unconscious because of the heat at the field. Even though I just ate.
307.  DOCTOR:. The brain cancer has already reached the second stadium. It can still be inhibited if you’re willing to do therapies.
308.  SARAH: How much time left for me, Doc?
309.  DOCTOR: You’re stubborn enough. I’m sure if you’re sparked into life, you can survive longer than the test’s result approximation. The test’s result estimates that you can survive for at least 12 years more.
310.  SARAH: Oh, I see… (smiling). I’ll do the therapies doc. Actually I don’t have enough money for the therapies. So, even though I have a high spirit to survive, if I don’t have enough money for the medications…I think it’ll be useless.
311.  DOCTOR: Aren’t you going to tell your parents about this? You can ask them for help.
312.  SARAH: I’ve made a lot difficulties for them, Doc. I don’t want them know about my illness. I’m going now. After having enough money for the medications, I’ll start the therapies.
313.  DOCTOR: OK. I’ll be waiting for you SARAH.
314.  SARAH: thanks, doc.

315.  SCENE 23: INT. At night, in SARAH’s room.

316.  SARAH: March 13th, 2008. Dear Diary, Why it happened to me? What must I do? I won’t stay long. If that’s the case, I have no hope to stay beside IVAN. He’s going away from me.Furthermore,  I need money for my medications. The doctor sentenced me a second stadium brain cancer,Ry.  Suddenly, the sms rang.
317.  SARAH: (THERE’S AN SMS FROM RUTH) from Ruth: “How’s your condition Sarah, What did the doctor say to you?”
318.  SARAH: What do I have to say? Ah, It’ll be better if I stay quiet than tell a lie. But Ruth do care so much about me. She is really my sister…
319.  SARAH: What do I have to say? Ah, It’ll be better if I stay quiet than tell a lie. But Ruth do care so much about me. She is really my sister…

320.  NARRATOR: That night, SARAH cried mourning over her fate. The next morning, she seized the initiative to sell electrical goods in her collage. She got the modal from the former project’s salary whereas the electronics from her close friend, Martha. She sold those for her medications. In a week, she succeed in getting the cost for one time therapy.
One day…

322.  SARAH: CASSIE, where are the stuffs that I left to you yesterday?
323.  CASSIE: I’m so sorry SARAH. I forgot about your stuffs. I’m missing them?
324.  SARAH:What? ( Fell unconscious)
325.  CASSIE: SARAH, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you no matter how much it costs. SARAH, WAKE UP!
326.  SARAH: (regain consciousness) CASSIE, what’s wrong?
327.  CASSIE: By the way, what kind of stuffs it were?
328.  SARAH: It were my marketable goods, CASSIE. I need money.
329.  CASSIE: OK. It’s my responsibility. I’ll pay all. When will you need the money?
330.  SARAH: But, Cass.
331.  CASSIE: No, It’s Ok SARAH. The mistake is mine after all.
332.  SARAH; (took a deep breath..)

333.  NARRATOR: SARAH told IVAN and Ruth about the accident befell upon her. She hope that IVAN would care about her like before if she went through a trouble. But she disappointed since IVAN didn’t give a comment at all.
334.  SCENE 25: INT. At night, in SARAH’s room.

335.  SARAH:. June 5th, 2008. Dear diary, today I lost my stuffs. But IVAN didn’t care at all.
336.  SFX:  Received SMS rang..
337.  SARAH: From Cassie. I’m very sorry honey, it’s my mistake. Will you forgive me? By the way, how’s your script going? When will you have the graduation assembly?  
338.  CASSIE: From SARAH : That’s OK Cass. Thanks for your responsibility. I’ll pass my script on July 15th

339.  NARRATOR: The Graduation of SARAH and CASSIE took place on September 2008.

341.  CASSIE: I’ll miss you SARAH.
342.  SARAH: Me too CASSIE. I’ll follow you to Netherland one day. I promise! Be good on doing your master’s there.
343.  CASSIE: Pass my regards to all Ok… Good bye…

344.  NARRATOR: 5 months later…

346.  SARAH: Thanks sir. I’m so happy that my poem finally can be published by a famous publisher. Oh, by the way, is there a job vacancy here?
347.  MANAGER: Fortunately, there is a vacancy opened for an editor right now, Miss Atkinson.
348.  SARAH: Oh, why not?
349.  MANAGER: Ok, just come tomorrow for the interview.
350.  SARAH:.thanks

351.  NARRATOR: one week later…

353.  MANAGER: Congratulation, Miss Atkinson. You are accepted as an editor here. Your book will also be published this month.
354.  SARAH: really? Thanks for all (smiling)
355.  MANAGER: Let me introduce you to your working partner. This is Matilda, she is still in the same age with you.
356.  MATILDA: Hi, SARAH. Nice to meet you.
357.  SARAH: Nice to meet you too, Matilda.
358.  MATILDA: Just call me Mat.
359.  SARAH: It’s just like Matthew.. Is that Ok?
360.  MATILDA: Haha..That’s ok. Matthew is my younger brother’s name. That’s Ok.
361.  SARAH: Haha…Sorry.
362.  MANAGER: So, just enjoy working here, SARAH.
363.  SARAH: Thanks, Sir.

364.  NARRATOR: One month later. Sarah’s poems collection had already been published. Half of Sarah’s first salary had been saved to continue the therapy that was once obstructed.
365.  MATILDA: ow.. Your poems are really beautiful. It is clearly seen that it’s made from the deepest heart.
366.  SARAH: ah, you’re exaggerating it. It’s just because I love poem.
367.  MATILDA: Come on Sarah, just tell me. I graduated from Psychology major, so I know a little about human’s feeling and emotion. Those poems…For whom do you direct it to?
368.  SARAH: (turning the head and faced Matilda) Can I trust you?
369.  MATILDA: Sure. You can trust me!
370.  SARAH: OK. All of my poetry are for my destiny. Haha.. OK. All of my poems are for my soul mate.
371.  MATILDA: I know that. It’s written in your book,’dedicated for my soul mate. I believe that those words aren’t dedicated for me. He he. You never told me that you’ve got a boyfriend after all.
372.  SARAH: Ok. I’ll say the truth. Do you know Ruth?
373.  MATILDA: Oh, Ruth as the same as my faculty, isn’t she? Oh, Ruth.. She is in the same faculty with me, isn’t she?
374.  SARAH: Yes. She has got a younger brother.
376.  SARAH: You got it! (showing two thumbs up)
377.  MATILDA: Oh I see. Does he know about your feeling? Oh, I see. Does he know anything about your feeling towards him?
378.  SARAH: Of course. But he just put me down as his little sister. It hurts me.
379.  MATILDA: Come on, Kim. Don’t you ever give up. Do you still communicate with each other?
380.  SARAH: Nope. I’ve sent him SMS several times, but he never gave me a reply. It has happened for almost 3 months. It seems that he no longer cares about me.
381.  MATILDA: how about you?
382.  SARAH: (smiling) He’s my endless love, Mat. He’s the one and only for me.
383.  MATILDA: Ah, you truly are a poet. He he..I just can hope that you’ll get along well with him. By the way, about soul mate… I’m getting married in the next three months.
384.  SARAH: Really? Congratulation.. how can I help you?
385.  MATILDA: Ok. I want you to be my bridesmaid in May. It’s March now, it means one month from now..
386.  SARAH:  Wow, you’re giving me this chance? OK!
387.  MATILDA: At least for sixth months. Mmm..Sarah… My advice, I think you’d better stop calling him. Maybe the situation will get better that way, so you won’t have to think about it over and over again. At least for six months.
388.  SARAH: Let me think of  it..mmm, it sounds like a great idea. Maybe he’ll miss me, huh?! Haha..
389.  MATILDA: you’re right. Ha ha..

390.  NARRATOR:  SARAH then tried to carry out Matilda’s suggestion to not communicate with IVAN for at least six months. SARAH tried to comply with the plan.

391.  NARRATOR: In IVAN’s world….
392.  IVAN: (restless, fiddling with his cellular) I haven’t heard SARAH’s news for so long. How is she going?

393.  NARRATOR: IVAN just thought about SARAH once in a while because there are amount of deadline that he has to complete. Until one night in April, he no longer could stand it then fell asleep.
394.  NARRATOR: IVAN had dream about a scene five years ago. Kim invited him to have a chat in canteen, so early in the morning. But IVAN saw a sad expression in SARAH’s face.
395. NARRATOR: Suddenly IVAN woke up. He laying in his bed. At the same time, he was longing for her. It’s almost one year since he met her. Even when he had a chat with Ruth, he didn’t get any news about SARAH. He got very depressed.


397.  IVAN: If I call her right now, would she has a willing to talk with me? Are there any possibilities that she got disappointed and upset because I almost never replied her SMS. She has never called me anymore this far. Is it possible that she thought because I never replied her SMS, so she didn’t have any courage to call me. Oh, SARAH. I miss you so much.
398.  SFX:  A SMS ring.
399.  IVAN: From Ryan: “IVAN, would you accompany me to buy some books this afternoon? This is Sunday. You do have a holiday, don’t you Mr. lecturer? Meet me in the bookstore at 1 p.m., Ok?!”

400.  SCENE 30: In The afternoon…AT BOOKSTORE

401.  RYAN: Hi IVAN. My manager asked me to buy him several IT books. You know much about those kind of books, right? Which one is the best?
402.  IVAN: Oh, my God…It’s just it?!  All of the books in that rack come from good publishers (pointed to one of the shelves). I want to go another counter, OK?
403.  RYAN: Do you want to buy some novels?
404.  IVAN: I don’t know, I just need some entertainments.
405.  RYAN: Oh…even a lecturer like you wants some entertainments too?!
406.  IVAN: Hey, I’m not officially become a full time lecturer, you know?!
407.  RYAN: Yeah, but it’s your obsession since a long time ago, right?
408.  IVAN: Ok, thanks. I’ll go that way. If you want to go home, call me. We’ll meet at the cashier, Ok!
409.  RYAN: Ok boss!
410.  IVAN: Wow…There are a lot new release novels…I think that there would be some new novelists too. This novel is so thin (picking one book in his hand), is there any novel like this? Oh, it’s not a novel.  It’s a poems collection. be continued :) ..::part 4::..

SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West part 2

0 komentar
SCRIPT PLAY Twilight in The West (Senja di Ufuk Barat)

Written by Eshu Humaira

135. NARRATOR: 2 hours later

136. MARK: Hi Sarah..
137. SARAH: Hi.. Mark. Where are others?
138. MARK:  that's!..(showing behind)
139. JOSEPH: I’m sorry Sarah..May I go to your bathroom?
140. SARAH: Oh please.. Just come in and turn right.
141. CASSIE: Umh. SARAH, Is IVAN come earlier? When was it? (say in whisper)
142. SARAH: From half past 4 pm. He came here directly after finishing his meeting. He was lost...
143. CASSIE: Hmmmm...
144. SARAH: Hey..what do you mean with that? Heah...?!
145. MARK: Its already 7 pm, lets get the ball rolling.

146. NARRATOR: One year later after the student activity is over. IVAN is continuing to the university rate. SARAH is still stay the same.

147. CASSIE: Seems won’t be excited this year.
148. SARAH: What do you mean?
149. CASSIE: BECAUSE, There’s no IVAN!
150. SARAH: So,,why is it so?
151. CASSIE: Well, Sarah, don’t cover it from me...
152. SARAH: HUH....what are you talking about Cass?

153. NARRATOR: In the next year, SARAH is the staff of Faculty Student Activity. IVAN is doing his mini thesis, so he always in campus. One day they are meeting.

155. SARAH: (WHILE WALKING, SARAH IS CALLING HER FRIENDS, AND SUDDENLY, SARAH IS DROPPING) Gubraaaaak....! Ups, I crash the chair. Why  is the chair in the middle of way?
156. IVAN: wa ha ha ha..(laughing...)
157. SARAH: “Weiks...IVAN know it? I’m so shy!..(RUNNING TO THE STUDENT ROOM DIRECTLY)
158. SARAH: (GO OUT AGAIN, THEN LOOK AT THE IVAN) What are you laughing? (smiling and shy)
159. IVAN: It's better for you to have a straight sight when you’re walking...ha ha the way, You are an expert staff now, aren’t you?
160. SARAH: Yes, (smiling).
161. IVAN: What’s your program plan?
162. SARAH: That's,..well, actually, I wanna discuss it with you. Is there vacant time this week?
163. IVAN: THERE IS, just call me.
164. SARAH: (SMILING) oh OK. I pricier that
165. SARAH: Hi IVAN, do you have time now?
166. IVAN: Yes, I have. So, what do you want to discuss?
167. SARAH: It’s about an expert function of Expert Staff. What is it should be?
168. IVAN: this..The expert function means you are as the center of information for staff in knowing what they are doing deeper. All the staff that need information, will call you.
169. SARAH: .Like what?
170. IVAN: Now, what are you staffing?
171. SARAH: Social action
172. IVAN: That means, You have to know all about social action.
173. SARAH: Hmm...Is it seem like...make a decision?
174. IVAN: Yup, that's right. But you don’t handle the problem by your self, let them learning, you just watch them.
175. SARAH: that. Ok,,thanks IVAN.
176. IVAN: If there’s something else, you may call me again. Bye...

178. NARRATOR: A week later...

180. VIVIAN: SARAH, do you know IVAN?
181. SARAH: Yeah...what’s up?
182. VIVIAN: I heard, he has special relationship with the lecture’s daughter, isn’t he?
183. SARAH: (between angry and neutral emotion) what? Its impossible!
184. VIVIAN: Hey..why are you so sure?
185. SARAH: Maybe.,,its because I know him, and he never tells me about the girl that you mean (try to convince her own self)
186. VIVIAN: But, I know that from the most believeable source. He joins the same university organization as IVAN.
187. SARAH: But, I still doubt it.
188. VIVIAN: (up her shoulder)

189. NARRATOR: One month later. There’s reunion from Mark’s regime.

191. IVAN: SARAH, do you wanna join it too? I guess you’re so busy...
192. SARAH: Yeah, but it still recession time. So the expert staff don't have much job this weekend.
193. IVAN: oohh..
194. SARAH: Hmm..IVAN..may I ask you something? But please, don't get angry to me.
195. IVAN: Why should I? Whats wrong? Seems like so serious...
196. SARAH: Well, I have a bravery to ask, because I wonder, we are close each other, so I think you dont get angry. friend said that you have special relationship with the lecture’s daughter. Is it right?
197. IVAN: Listen SARAH. I believe you. If there’s someone who tells you bout me, and you doubt it,,I’m very thankfull of it.
198. SARAH: (smiling) Ya, I believe you too IVAN. By the way, you’ve said that, you have chosen..who’s that girl? May I know her?
199. IVAN: Well, I don’t know the destiny..Just take a look later...
200. SARAH: Hmm...(jealous...)
201. IVAN: Hahahaha.. (laughing..)


203. JOSEPH: Why is IVAN laughing? It’s not usual..Usually, He looks so serious. He’s a little bit change, since close to SARAH,
204. CASSIE: Yeah...seems like,,they’re a good pair (smiling)
205. JOSEPH: Hahaha..I agree with that

206. NARRATOR: 2 days later, in canteen

208. CASSIE: SARAH, seems like, you’re closer to IVAN...
209. SARAH: Yupz..He repaired my computer yesterday,,at my home
210. CASSIE: Don't you scare it’s gonna be gossip?
211. SARAH: There’s nothing between us, Cass...
212. CASSIE: SARAH, I know you VERY well...I wonder that you love him...even before fainted, when we still new students..
213. SARAH: (clap her hands) You look like a psychologist. You’re really give much attention to me..ha ha ha
214. CASSIE: HEI, SARAH, I’m serious. I think its better for you to ask his feeling. What about get married? I guess you wanna it.
215. SARAH: Whuaah..that’s my dream..yeah, I like him,,farther love him. But him?It’s impossible..Lots of girl like him     
216. CASSIE: But SARAH, if  I observe for this three years, IVAN has changed because of you. He likes to laugh a lot, since He close to you..more tidy, friendly to all people..
217. SARAH: Since, the first time I knew him,,he was so friendly..
218. CASSIE: Believe me SARAH,,He just friendly when you around him..after that, he’s so serious...looks fierce. I guess, you make him comfort.
219. SARAH: Don't make me shy... CASSIE..
220. CASSIE:  Hurry,,he has graduated. Now, he’s the lecture assistant. Your life gonna be wealthy.
221. SARAH: (furrowing forehead) I still doubt it...

222. NARRATOR: the below corridor

224. SARAH: IVAN.. IVAN.. I want to talk..
225. IVAN: Hey, my lil sist!
226. SARAH:  (dazed) “he called me my lil sist?”
227. IVAN: (approaching) You call me, lil sist?
228. SARAH: (smiling) are so old...hahaha
229. IVAN: (smiling too)..ha ha..what’s up?
230. SARAH: I wanna talk to you seriously. Tomorrow,  at 7 am. I’ll wait at canteen.
231. IVAN:  (serious) OK
232. SARAH: see you..

233. NARRATOR: the canteen (its quite,,because class start at 8 am)

235. IVAN: So, what are you wanna talking about?
236. SARAH: Uhh..I’m so nervous...but how? Like `this bro. Our friends suspicious toward us. And also, there’s someone who forces me to ask you to marry me. What’s your opinion?
237. IVAN: Umm..I haven’t already yet. I think its better for you to marry with another man, if its so urgent.
238. SARAH: (gazed at the valley, deep breath) that
239. IVAN: SARAH, I consider you are my lil sist..I hope, I can keep this commitment. If you wanna it too.
240. SARAH: Fine. But, I can’t promise to you that I can do like you do. Well, my feeling to you is different from brother-sister, IVAN.
241. IVAN: I’m proud of you, if you keep he consistency of your feeling. Well, actually, I’m not good for you. I suggest you to concentrate to your research proposal.
242. SARAH: (smiling) Why are you talking like that IVAN?

243. NARRATOR: Afternoon, in the corner of building

245. SARAH: (crying) Why IVAN? Why are you just have brother feeling to me?.
247. CASSIE: (also sad) Well, Sarah. I think he’s not really sure with his feeling to you. Its different with you,,deep feeling...
248. SARAH: I can’t believe ... I can’t believe it Cass...
249. CASSIE: Come on..forget it,,,let’s go home
250. NARRATOR: One term. Later..SARAH is stressed with her mini thesis. She needs money for the first survey.


252.  SARAH: Dear, diary...I’m stress..Maybe bacause IVAN often keeps away from me. He seldom replies my SMS. He doesn’t like before, not mybro again. But, I also stress with my mini thesis. I need money. How is it? Will he help me this time? As my bro..? hufh...who knows...Well, it doesn’t wrong thing if I send him SMS,,hopely, he can help me. “Bro, I need your help. I need job, because I need much money to my mini thesis...”
253.  IVAN: ” lil sist sent me SMS. She needs my help. How is it? Ok, I’ll help her this time. What about, if  you come to this address and meet me there. Ok..
254.  SARAH: Whuaah, he replied it..Ok, thanks bro!

255.  NARRATOR: Next day

257.  IVAN: Lil sist,,you’ve just come. Ask guidance to Ms. Tina there..
258.  SARAH: Oh ya, thanks BRO! (smile)
259.  NARRATOR: SARAH does her job which data entry and data managing. One hour later, there’s somebody opening the door. All the people turning the head.
260.  RUTH: Morning everybody...Hi, my bro...(turning to IVAN)
261.  IVAN: (smile)…(smiling..)...(turning to SARAH)
262.  SARAH: (dazed)..oh that’s Ruth..IVAN has told me...
263.  SARAH: (dazed) “ oh…that’s Ruth… IVAN ever told me about her” be continued :) ..::part 3::..